ICS Skills, a registered charity, is the training and certification body of the Irish Computer Society (ICS). ICS Skills was established in 1997 to drive improvements in digital literacy in Ireland and to promote the use of technology in education and business for learning and assessment.
ICS Skills is the Irish national operator for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) and delivers a range of IT skills programmes from basic PC-user skills to IT Professional skills and leadership development programmes. ICS Skills accredits and monitors training and testing centres nationwide to ECDL Foundation and QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) quality standards. The breadth and diversity of ICS Skills client network demonstrates its ability to deliver and support large scale and complex system implementations at a national level.
ICS Skills supports multiple programmes, thousands of administrative users and tens of thousands of candidates.
The parent body, ICS, is a member of CEPIS and IFIP, and the Health Informatics Society of Ireland is an affiliated organization. ICS personnel activites include CPD education, e-CF development, membership of CEN PC 428, GHWC (Global Health Workforce Council – AHIMA), EU-US S&I Framework working groups.