Our school is engaged in various field of student education. We are specialising in teaching students with special needs so students arrive from the whole region. Currently there are 211 special needs students out of the total of 533 learners. This specialisation was launched in 2000.
Vocational training is carried out on vantage and advanced levels. We have specified labs for such trainings. We are in close contact with companies that provide field training opportunities for about 100 students. At the moment 65 teacher are employed, and their qualifications meet the needs of the fields of education. The major fields are electronics, IT, building engineering, and commerce and marketing, and we intend to introduce new curricula in the social sector.
We cultivate a flourishing relationship with local companies and social organisations, and co-operate with them in the realization of various programmes.
We are experienced in providing IT trainings for elderly people, recently we organised several computer trainings for pensioner people together with the local civil organisation "VÁCISZ" (NGO), and the trainings will continue in the Hungarian national project "Click Granny!" aimed to develop the digital skills of elderly people as well.